3 Ways Poker Can Help You in Other Areas of Life

Poker is a card game that involves betting between 2 players, and the highest hand wins the pot. Players put in a mandatory bet called blinds before they receive their cards and then act in turn, betting into the middle until someone folds or they have a high enough hand to call the bet and win the pot. Poker is a great way to learn the principles of risk and reward. It also teaches patience and the ability to study a situation carefully before acting. These skills can be useful in other areas of life.

Boosts Math Skills

Poker can improve your math skills, especially when you play higher stakes games or tournaments. Counting chips, knowing odds, and estimating EV (expected value) are all important aspects of playing poker well. You will find that if you practice these skills regularly, they will become natural and intuitive. You may even develop a good poker intuition for things like frequencies and EV estimation.

Teaches Patience

Unlike most gambling games, poker requires a lot of patience to succeed. This can be a useful skill in other parts of your life, such as work and personal relationships. Poker can also teach you to be a good observer of your opponents’ actions and body language. This can help you spot tells and avoid making bad decisions in the heat of the moment.

Being able to make decisions under uncertainty is an important part of poker, as you can never be certain what your opponent has in their hand. Developing the ability to think critically and estimate probabilities will make you a better decision maker in other areas of life as well, such as investing or deciding between two jobs.